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Our Partners

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
A Russian federal executive authority that develops state policy and oversees legal regulation in the industrial and military-industrial sectors. It also performs the functions of an authorised federal executive authority, being responsible for state regulation of foreign trade activities.

Agency for Strategic Initiatives
An autonomous Russian non-profit organisation created by the Russian government to implement a series of economic and social measures such as promoting priority projects, implementing measures to improve the business environment in Russia, supporting professional development, etc.

National Association of Investment and Development Agencies
The non-profit organization «National Association of Investment and Development Agencies» was created in 2006 with the aim of uniting the efforts of regional development institutions (investment agencies and development corporations) that contribute to increasing investment attractiveness and the inflow of investments into the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Association of Industrial Parks of Russia
A sectoral non-profit organisation that has been working since 2010 to unite the majority of industrial parks in Russia along with service providers in the field of industrial construction in order to promote common interests. The Association comprises 132 legal entities representing 90 industrial parks across the territories of 46 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Along with the industrial park management companies, the Association includes regional development corporations, as well as consulting, design, and construction companies.

Association of Clusters and Technology Parks
A leading Russian public and business organisation that unites technological and industrial infrastructure companies in order to improve the conditions for socio-economic development and realisation of the country’s scientific and industrial potential. The Association was established in 2011, and it currently brings together more than 60 organisations from 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. These include the management companies of technology parks, nanotechnology centres, and special economic zones; cluster development centres; specialised organisations within industrial clusters; regional development corporations; and other organisations. The Association represents the interests of more than 2,500 organisations (residents of technology parks and cluster members) whose enterprises employ over 110,000 people and whose total output is over RUB 360 billion (0.45% of Russia’s GDP).

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE)
An all-Russia organisation uniting thousands of major companies: industrial, scientific, financial, and commercial organisations from all regions of Russia. The RUIE represents the interests of business groups both in Russia and internationally.

Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RAUIE)
A public organisation that implements state cooperation programmes aimed at strengthening collaboration between public and business associations in the Russian Federation and Asia. The RAUIE’s mission is to promote the development of the Russian economy by strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between Russian and Asian businesses. The Union provides comprehensive support for the implementation of investment projects, bringing products and services to Russian and Asian markets, and promotes businesses and brands in new markets. The RAUIE comprises more than 300 Russian and Chinese medium and large businesses from key industries such as mechanical engineering, construction, finance, the timber industry, the medical industry, the automotive industry, agriculture, and real estate, along with investment companies and various trading and service organisations. Infrastructure enterprises, mechanical engineering and automotive manufacturing corporations, and medical industry enterprises show the greatest interest in localisation.

Far East Investment and Export Agency (An Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation)
The main tasks of the Agency are: to search for and attract Russian and foreign investors; to provide assistance in the preparation and implementation of investment projects on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District; to provide consulting, methodological, informational, and organisational support to investors, trading partners, and exporters; and to develop and implement programmes to stimulate and promote Russian exports from the Far Eastern Federal District to the APR countries.

The Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The mission of the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI France Russie) is to strengthen economic and trade ties between France and Russia, to promote cross-investment, constructive dialogue and a better understanding of French and Russian realities. CCI France Russie is today the largest network uniting French business in Russia: the chamber has more than 400 member companies.

National Agency of Investment and Privatisation of the Republic of Belarus
A government organisation for attracting foreign direct investment to the Republic of Belarus. The work of the Agency is aimed at enhancing the investment image of the Republic of Belarus abroad, assisting foreign businesses in implementing investment projects in the Republic of Belarus, and attracting strategic investment to the enterprises of the pilot privatisation project implemented jointly with the World Bank.

Business Russia
An all-Russia public organisation that unites entrepreneurs of the new generation of Russian business, operating mainly in the non-primary (processing) sector of the country’s economy, encompassing mechanical engineering, construction, light industry, agriculture, finance, information technology, and much more. Business Russia unites entrepreneurs from 68 regions of the Russian Federation and 40 industry unions. The Novosibirsk regional branch has been in operation since 2005.

Novosibirsk Regional Branch of OPORA RUSSIA (All-Russia Public Organisation of Small and Medium Business)
The main goal of the organisation is to help bring entrepreneurs together with a view to participating in the creation of favourable political, economic, legal, and other conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation and effective economic growth. OPORA RUSSIA advocates reducing redundant administrative barriers, streamlining inspections by state regulatory agencies, encouraging transparency within the business community and government authorities at all levels and branches, reducing the tax burden on businesses, and simplifying reporting procedures. OPORA RUSSIA achieves its main objectives through the implementation of specific projects, for example, a study of the business climate in Russia and the development of a favourable tax regime for small businesses.

Ministry of Economic Development of the Novosibirsk Region
A regional executive authority of the Novosibirsk Region, responsible for public administration and legal regulation in the field of monitoring, analysing, and forecasting socio-economic processes, improving the public administration system, ensuring high efficiency of management functions, enhancing the quality and efficiency of public services provision, and creating favourable conditions for the development of investment activities.

Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Entrepreneurship of the Novosibirsk Region
A regional executive authority of the Novosibirsk Region whose responsibilities include: public administration, legal and supervisory regulation in industry, trade, and entrepreneurship within the scope of the authority established by federal laws and the laws of the Novosibirsk Region; and coordination and control of the activities of state unitary enterprises and state institutions of the Novosibirsk Region under its jurisdiction.

Ministry of Culture of the Novosibirsk Region
A regional executive authority of the Novosibirsk Region which carries out executive and administrative activities in the field of culture. The mission of the Ministry of Culture is «Development and realization of the cultural and spiritual potential of citizens as the basis for the integrity, sustainable and dynamic development of the Novosibirsk Region».

Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Novosibirsk Region
A regional executive authority of the Novosibirsk Region which carries out executive and administrative activities in the sphere of physical culture and sports, normative legal regulation in the sphere of physical culture and sports, as well as coordination and control over the activities of state institutions of the Novosibirsk region under its jurisdiction.

State Fund for Industrial Development of the Novosibirsk Region
Regional Fund for Support of Industrial Activity, created on the principle of the federal Industrial Development Fund. The Fund offers preferential financing terms to industrial entities by providing targeted loans at rates of 1%, 3% and 5% per annum for up to 5 years in the amount of 5 to 100 million rubles, thereby stimulating the inflow of direct investment into the real sector of the economy.

Microfinance Fund of Novosibirsk Region
It was created under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Novosibirsk Region. The fund provides microloans to small and medium-sized businesses to create and develop their businesses. The loan amount is up to 5 million rubles for a period of up to three years at a rate of up to 6% per annum.

ARIS Innovative Projects Development Agency (State Autonomous Institution of the Novosibirsk Region)
ARIS was appointed by the Order of the Novosibirsk Region Governor as the Centre for Cluster Development in 2013. One of the objectives of the institution is to coordinate organisations participating in the innovation clusters of the region, including the Innovative Territorial Cluster of Information and Biopharmaceutical Technologies of the Novosibirsk Region.

Regional Development Centre (State Public Institution of the Novosibirsk Region)
The Centre was established by Resolution of the Novosibirsk Region Administration on May 19, 2008 to create a competitive brand image for the Novosibirsk Region that is attractive for regional and international partners. It provides comprehensive support for creating and developing a favourable investment climate and implementing the cluster policy of the Novosibirsk Region.

Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok
The Academpark is an integrated technology park with a unique scientific, technological, and business infrastructure that creates optimum conditions for the establishment and development of innovative companies, as well as for the successful growth of existing high-tech enterprises. The Academpark is a site where research and development efforts are transformed into industrial technologies. The technopark houses a complex of specialised office, laboratory, and production facilities. As of 2017, there were 354 companies based at the Academpark with a total annual revenue of RUB 25.9 billion. The Academpark is the regional operator of SKOLKOVO.

koltsovo Biotechnopark
An innovative platform that provides comfortable conditions for the effective functioning of real business and the development of startups in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. The structure of the Biotechnopark includes: a laboratory complex; a site for localizing innovative enterprises; premises for placing offices, laboratories and production sites of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies; a site for holding specialized events.

Innovation Centre Koltsovo (Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation)
The guiding principle of Innovation Centre Koltsovo’s work is finding step-by-step solutions to strategic challenges faced by the innovation business. It starts with an audit that helps identify existing problems and areas for development, then takes concrete action, carrying out activities and analysing the effectiveness of the measures implemented. The Innovation Centre Koltsovo is focused on results, firm in its belief that only an integrated approach to working with companies will allow it to achieve its goals.

Novosibirsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry
An association of entrepreneurs who conduct their businesses lawfully and openly, and who have a positive reputation in the Novosibirsk Region market for goods and services. The activities of the Novosibirsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry are aimed at solving specific high-level problems to improve the quality of goods and services and develop innovations and modern technologies that promote the growth of economic relations in the region as a whole.

Association of International Road Carriers (ASMAP)
This non-profit organisation, established in 1974, unites more than 1,600 Russian organisations engaged in the carriage of goods and passengers by road internationally. The main objectives of the Association are to protect the interests of Russian road carriers and the national market for transport services, and to create favourable conditions for international road transportation. ASMAP is a national guaranteeing association under the Customs Convention on International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975). ASMAP is represented in advisory and working bodies (public councils) under the Committee on Transport of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the RF Ministry of Transport, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and the International Transport Forum.

Union of Transport, Freight Forwarding, and Logistics Companies of Siberia (STELS)
A non-profit organisation that aims to unite transport, freight forwarding, and logistics companies to create a platform for business dialogue and interaction with government agencies and large monopolies, and to develop joint solutions to issues related to the development of transport and logistics. STELS was created in May 2011. To date, STELS has organised cooperation with federal and regional authorities, and also with colleagues from other federal districts. The main objectives of STELS are as follows: to develop transport, freight forwarding, logistics and organisations; to coordinate the efforts of STELS members to expand their business activities in the domestic and foreign markets; to participate in the development and implementation of joint projects and programmes in the field of transport and logistics; and to represent the interests of STELS members in interaction with federal and regional authorities.

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM)
NSUEM was founded in 1967 as the Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy (NINE). It received university status in 2004. NSUEM ranks first among Novosibirsk’s higher educational institutions for university attractiveness according to the Expert-Siberia league table, and ranks 18th in Expert RA’s table of the best social and economic universities of Russia. NSUEM offers education at all levels, including secondary vocational and higher (bachelor, specialist, master, and postgraduate programmes) as well as a wide range of professional development programmes. The university can supervise and examine dissertations in Finance, Money Circulation, and Credit, and in Accounting and Statistics. Today, the university has about 10,000 students. There are 469 professors on the faculty, among them 57 Doctors of Science and 274 Candidates of Science

Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SIBSTRIN)
A large educational and scientific complex operating in the field of higher, additional, postgraduate and pre-university education, conducting scientific research on a wide range of issues. The university is among the 50 universities in Russia whose graduates are the most sought-after specialists in the labor market.

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)
NSTU is one of the largest universities in the region: more than 13,200 students study at the university; more than 1,500 teachers work at the university; training is carried out in 95 areas (bachelor's and master's degrees) and 5 specialties of higher education, as well as in 7 specialties and areas of secondary vocational education. The mission of the university is to train competitive personnel for high-tech sectors of the Russian economy, conduct fundamental and applied scientific research of world class, transfer the results of intellectual activity and integration into the global scientific and educational space.
Alfa-Bank is the largest universal private bank in Russia. For 30 years, he has held leading positions in all segments of the banking business. The customer base is about 870 thousand corporate clients and more than 19.8 million individuals. Alfa-Bank is developing according to the phygital model, combining digital innovations with an effective network of physical presence, which includes 498 offices in Moscow and regions of Russia, 900 cities with courier delivery and 27,900 of its own and partner ATMs. Without giving up live communication with customers, the bank is developing "branches of the future" with recognition based on biometrics and geolocation. By the end of 2020, according to the financial statements (IFRS), the total assets of the Alfa-Bank Banking Group, including ABH Financial, Alfa-Bank JSC and its subsidiaries, amounted to $61.9 billion, the total loan portfolio — $42.7 billion, share capital — $8.7 billion. Net profit is $1,347 million.

NEO Center
NEO Center is a leading Russian consulting company with more than 20 years of history. The company provides services to a wide range of clients: companies of various profiles, investors, financial institutions and government customers. NEO Center is among the top 30 largest consulting groups and companies in Russia according to the Expert RA rating agency, as well as among the top 15 consulting companies in the field of financial consulting, valuation and marketing research.

P&P Unity
P&P Unity is a legal consultant in the field of infrastructure, public-private partnerships and project financing. The company's experts have project experience in structuring and preparing more than 40 projects in the field of transport, municipal and social infrastructure. The company was also the first on the market to develop and implement IT solutions in the field of infrastructure consulting: the PPP Advisor portal (www.pppadvisor.ru ).

Engineering Chemical Technology Center
Engineering Chemical Technology Center is an innovative company specializing in scaling scientific developments and solving production problems using high-tech technologies. Engineering Chemical Technology Center, together with scientific and industrial partners, is engaged in organizing developments in the field of chemical technology and low-tonnage chemistry, organizing research and development in a «one-stop» mode at the highest level.

Gamma Group Management Company
The main activity of the Gamma Group Management Company is the development and creation of effective business solutions through the management of mutual funds. Using this approach, the business gets new opportunities to optimize costs, attract and consolidate capital, centralize the management system and ownership of assets and property.

Abazhur Group of Construction Companies
Abazhur GC provides a wide range of services: searching for a land plot as instructed by the client, integrated design of the facility to be constructed, expert review of the project, supporting clients to obtain a building permit, optimising technical conditions, overseeing the progress of construction work, and commissioning of the facility. BTS and fee development. Construction of capital and temporary buildings and structures for multi-sector purposes. The functions of General Contractor. The whole range and scale of construction and installation works, both general and special. Abazhur GC implements construction projects and subsequently manages their operation.

Hokkaido Construction Newspaper
The newspaper was founded in 1958. Since its inception, the newspaper has published mainly articles on tenders in the field of state construction in order to help industry companies. Gradually, the Hokkaido Construction Newspaper began to work not only with government proposals, but also with private construction and private investment. Currently, the topic of construction remains the main subject of the publication, but articles published in the newspaper also cover topics, companies, and projects from other industries. The newspaper’s offices are located in 13 cities across the Hokkaido Prefecture, with headquarters in Sapporo. The circulation of the newspaper is 10,000 copies.

Russian Business Guide
Business Guide of Russia Abroad, published by BUSINESS DIALOGUE MEDIA with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. It is published in two languages — Russian and English. It is distributed through the CCI system, including embassies, Russian trade missions abroad, and foreign trade missions in the Russian Federation.

Machine-building cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan
The task of the cluster is to strengthen cooperation ties between the participants and the development of production potential in order to increase the competitiveness of products and expand the market share of products and services of the cluster participants, as well as the development of relations with government authorities.

AZIMUT Hotel Novosibirsk
The hotel is located in the center of Novosibirsk, 10 minutes from the train station and 20 minutes from Tolmachevo International Airport. 259 rooms of various categories, 7 modern conference halls for events of various formats for an audience of 20 to 220 people, convenient secured Parking, 2 restaurants.